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Case study: Support to identify funding bids


SERVICE: Investment &funding solutions CLIENT: NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group


The challenge is to try and secure investment in Hull’s primary care estate following NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) ‘blueprint’ to improve health and care outcomes for patients.

Although Hull is really well served with 13 healthcare buildings, created through the Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) programme, there are still some GPs operating from old and dated premises, which are no longer suitable and need significant investment to bring them up to standard.

Primary care needs to be delivered from the best buildings possible.


As part of the solution, there is an opportunity for us to bid into the Estates and Technology Transformation Fund (ETTF) and we are working with NHS Hull CCG to identify the estate priorities.

The options we have put forward are all primary care-related and, if successful, will include reconfiguration of existing LIFT buildings.

Funding bids were submitted at the end of June and a three month assessment period is being undertaken by NHS England.

We are also supporting bids in West Lindsey, Lincolnshire, and Richmond, North Yorkshire.

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