Citycare has recently partnered with Healthwatch Hull to trial their meet-and-greet service for 3 months.
It will offer those attending Orchard Health Centre a meet-and-greet as well as a signposting service, and if proved to be successful, it will be extended. The purpose of this would be to make all Healthwatch services more visible to members of the public, which will allow us the opportunity to listen to their views. In turn, they will use this patient experience to help make positive changes to local services.
One of the main functions of Healthwatch is to provide information and signposting to users of Health and Social Care services so that they are aware of where to go, and who to ask for help.
This service will not only be delivered by Healthwatch Hull, but by volunteers to further enhance patient experience.
Healthwatch are a national, independent body that gains feedback from all NHS settings, and works to get the feedback heard and improvements made off the back of it. They have the power to make sure that people’s voices are heard by the government and those running services. As well as seeking the public’s views themselves, they also encourage services to involved people in decisions that affect them.
The sole purpose of Healthwatch is to help make care better for people. Citycare is delighted to have them on board.