Evolve, the Hull Eating Disorder service run by City Health Care Partnership CIC, has opened the doors of its new premises, inviting members of the public, health professionals and partners to come along to an open day and see what’s on offer.
Evolve needed to move from their existing location on Beverley Road to a more suitable and modern location. Citycare was able to support Community Health Partnerships (CHP) in reviewing the potential estate solutions and provide a recommendation based on the best possible solution.
Operations manager Mike Johnson explained that the open day will give visitors a flavour of the huge variety of treatments and activities people who use the service will have access to.
“Members of the clinical team will have an area of the building to demonstrate the kind of work we do,” he said. “For example, we’ll have information about guidelines, our Page by Page group, assertive communication and working to overcome eating difficulties. Visitors can also find out about nutrition and portion sizes and about a brand new group called #ANGST as well as get information on the support available for carers of people who have an eating disorder.”
The new facilities offer more accessible and appropriate clinical rooms as well as cooking facilities. Mike said, “We’re really excited about the potential opportunities for the service so we can continue to expand and develop how we help people to recover from eating disorders.”
Dave Barley, Development Manager at Citycare said, “Citycare are delighted to have assisted CHCP and the Evolve service in their relocation to the Calvert Centre. Through partnership and collaborative working with the client and Sewell Construction, we were able to remodel the Calvert Centre effectively and efficiently to create a fit for purpose estate solution”.
For more information on the development work at Calvert Health Centre, click here.